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Flyed is a short animation produced for an assignment as part of a 3D Animation Course. The main aim for this project was to develop a short story and experience the process of creating a short 3D animation in a period of 6 months. During this time period, I have learnt a lot, not just through 3D techniques but also soft skills to do with working as a team such as timing, organisation and team alterations.

Each team member had specific roles: character designer/modeller, animator and reference/ lighting producer.  As a team, we came up with the storyboard and combining all aspects together to produce the end product.

As the weeks progress, we developed our storyline and low poly versions of the animation. Once we were happy with the animation, character and lighting, we then rendered the animation in high res.


On an ordinary day, a scientist is busy working on his robotic sandwich. Out of the blue, a fly starts flying above his head. So he starts waving a piece of wire that he was holding around to get the fly to go away. Unfortunately, the wire gets caught on the lamp and he gets electric shocked.


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