College of Fine Arts (COFA) of UNSW, now know as UNSW Arts and Design holds an annual exhibition to showcase graduating student's work. As part of a university group assignment, my team decided to create promotional material and an AR app for the exhibition.
The purpose of the app was to act as a map and the show program. As the exhibition-goers roam around the spaces with the app, they can point their phone camera toward the artwork and information bubble would pop up. Once they click on it, information of the artwork would display on their screens.
Our objective of this app was to create a more interactive and playful experience. Also, it helps create a smooth journey as most of the time, there is a line to read the artwork's description on the wall.
To get everyone hyped for the exhibition and the new app, we created posters and banners. On these promotional materials, we placed a QR code to direct them to the App Store/ Play Store so they can download the app.